A downloadable game

Ninja Cat is a 2D Action-Platformer where you play as a ninja person transformed into a ninja cat seeking revenge against the wizard that transformed them. Make your way through a neon lit city by jumping up walls, over rooftops and using your sword to quickly dash mid-air. Meet and talk with other people of the city, cursed like you by the evil wizard. And use your sword and ninja skills to battle those who work for the wizard and defeat him to break the curse!


I made this game with a team over the course of 6 months as part of a team project for the Game Design Program at Sheridan College. 
I was the lead programmer. I Lead the Code and Engine side of things, implementing new features and ensuring everything made it into the engine correctly without errors and was functional.
The game is currently in an early beta state, containing functional movement, basic art/music, a few NPC and their dialogue. no future development is planned.

My Role

  • Game Design
  • Lead Programmer
  • GitHub Management
  • File Organization


  • Godot Game Engine
  • GD Script
  • GitHub
  • GitHub Desktop

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